Wednesday 21 May 2008

It's coming to an end...

Well... here it is, my last week at Punch (sigh!) :(!

I've had such a great experience here gaining a real understanding of what organising a festival requires.
I have also managed to develop my personal skills, especially my confidence when meeting new people.

I feel privalidged to have been given this experience at Punch and work so closely with such hardworking people. They give so much to new, young artists, giving them guidance and exciting opportunities.

Being at punch has given me a true insight into what it's like to work up to a music festival, develop my techniques in promotion and also the chance to meet some interesting and extremely talented people.

I know that all the hard work from Josie, Cynthia, Ammo and Nusra will pay off with the success of the Bass Festival.

Oh and sitting for hours filling envelopes with brochures and sticking addresses onto them really was worth it!

I'm looking forward to helping out at MC's for life! And if any opportunities arrive in the future at Punch i won't hesitate to accept! :)!

Thanks Punch!

P.s. Don't forget to visit to check out the events that are taking place during Bass Festival 2008!

I hope to see you there! :)

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